Warp is a darkly-scaled dragon of moderate size, perhaps nine feet from muzzletip to rump, and another seven back to the tip of his tail. Overall, his scales are a polished midnight blue, shining in the light as he moves. Under his long, thick neck and along his belly, the hide lightens to a deep cobalt color and smoothes out in texture. Atop his head are two medium-grey horns, pale in color, almost seeming translucent. His most prominent feature, however, is a brush of pale blue-grey feathers, concentrated in a crest atop his head, between the horns, then gradually thinning in width along his back, finally making an almost fuzzy stripe along his tail, the plumes' ethereal, almost ghostly color giving the effect of a comet's tail shooting through the heavens. On each side of that stripe, wings settle neatly along his back, their skin starting at the same dark color of his body, eventually fading to a dark blue-green. The dragon is supported by four stout legs, continuing the colors of his body and ended with sharp, highly polished black claws above longish, dextrous pawfingers. The tail is thick and powerful, but does taper towards the end, allowing the tip to flick about, as it often does while he is relaxed, ending in a smallish spoiler of an almost glowing pale blue. At the other end, his muzzle neatly tapers at the snouttip, the lighter color continuing up his neck to the chin, dark, lips typically with a smile hiding his teeth well. Higher, his slitted eyes are of a medium cobalt blue, set well off from the surrounding darker hide.