#Feathers (monthly) @ Avians.net stats by BirdBot

Statistics generated on Saturday 26 July 2003 - 22:59:39
During this 32-day reporting period, a total of 54 different nicks were represented on #Feathers (monthly).

Times are in EST (-5h from GMT).

Key: male female unidentified

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote Userpic
1 Buran3585 4101811.4Today"Try it in Opera, I want to know if it works." Buran
2 Whyrl3038 186176.1Today"It's only been used 18 times, not including just now." Whyrl
3 Expandranon2541 181617.1Today"You gotta pay for wings, for one thing." Expandranon
4 Archai1376 1397710.2Today"Even with none, it's pretty slow." Archai
5 Skandranon2141 133856.3Today"Man, this is going to take a little getting used to! :>" Skandranon
6 Gauri1523 103356.81 day ago"They blame it on trying to operate within a budget." Gauri
7 Kibbe962 92429.6Today"I don't do much of anything, much" Kibbe
8 SeaCigar1036 91718.9Today"BRB all, I smell food somewhere around here."
9 Tadrith1282 82216.4Today"If I hear Con te partiro one more time, I'm gonna shriek." Tadrith
10 Warphammer1581 78705.0Today"Sure it's not the group you signed up for to view that picture?" Warphammer
11 Hawthorn1147 74436.5Today"Hey! I like Harry Potter. :p" Hawthorn
12 Aubri1127 73056.5Today"(er, are you going, Buran?)" Aubri
13 Lanakila607 680711.2Today"I hope you all have a great evening! :D" Lanakila
14 Bluejay480 534711.11 day ago"Jus' lookin' for Buran's hot meal." Bluejay
15 Saoirse901 50145.6Today"But it's like 3.5 hours per class." Saoirse
16 Takena696 46356.714 days ago"Naw, you don't hurt anyone, Prio." Takena
17 Stormrider497 45529.2Today"I know what I'm talking about." Stormrider
18 Red-Tailed_Hawk734 41865.7Today"Maybe I can help; Math is one of my best areas."
19 Kreggan573 39847.01 day ago"25 eps per season would probably be two discs, I'm guessing." Kreggan
20 Steelwing563 37456.74 days ago"Or we've been asking why 'human' got on the top ten." Steelwing
21 Keenath461 37418.1Today"Depends on where on the planet you are, SC." Keenath
22 Riq`ris405 33698.3Today"Or do you mean the evil 'T' device that has the 'T' thing on it?" Riq`ris
23 Bushrat470 28596.13 days ago"@MadScientist's! <Evil laughter>" Bushrat
24 Timwi605 27004.53 days ago"That sounds like an essay." Timwi
25 Kyrian530 25724.92 days ago"And we use 6-1 instead of A-F" Kyrian
26 Dahliah370 21925.91 day ago"Eh, kinda had to. Thundy wanted supper." Dahliah
27 Gyrhawk253 17116.82 days ago"Nope... the green ones from Area 51, with huge eyes." Gyrhawk
28 Prio241 14396.02 days ago"I'm scared of not-cheap ones, cheap ones frighten me more. :p" Prio
29 Akil195 14257.3Today"Have any of the receent storms been close to you?" Akil
30 Sayh217 13486.2Today"... is there any other feathery nick over me there?" Sayh

These didn't make it to the top:
Pshaw (983) Redtailed (844) Harpy (785) Stormdancer (772) Thunderstrike (755)
Soltris (743) NovaPhoenix (661) Bingo (604) Nabuca (598) Thrash (543)
Swandog (527) Eldarath (507) SlickScale (440) pgp_prote (330) ``Niokala`` (280)
Flashbird (260) PumaGryph (223) Ciuin (176) Rafn (165) Kearie` (83)
KaCrow (65) Blue_Lory (48) ^Niokala^ (19) Wog (15)

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Whyrl - 687
Kibbe - 401
Buran - 757
Buran - 2449
2 Gauri - 566
Expandranon - 315
Expandranon - 597
Whyrl - 1635
3 Skandranon - 448
Red-Tailed_Hawk - 245
Whyrl - 575
Expandranon - 1439
4 Archai - 220
Stormrider - 220
Hawthorn - 533
Aubri - 1022
5 Buran - 194
Skandranon - 219
Warphammer - 504
Skandranon - 1011
6 Expandranon - 190
Saoirse - 196
Skandranon - 463
Gauri - 946
7 Takena - 152
Buran - 185
Timwi - 283
Warphammer - 918
8 Kreggan - 137
Whyrl - 141
Lanakila - 263
Archai - 906
9 Tadrith - 133
Warphammer - 136
Kibbe - 255
Tadrith - 903
10 Bushrat - 120
SeaCigar - 136
Stormrider - 254
SeaCigar - 625

Big numbers
Is Riq`ris stupid or just asking too many questions? 26.4% lines contained a question!
Harpy didn't know that much either. 17.9% of his lines were questions.
The loudest one was Harpy, who yelled 23.4% of the time!
Another old yeller was Bluejay, who shouted 16.0% of the time!
It seems that Red-Tailed_Hawk's shift-key is hanging: 3.5% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <Red-Tailed_Hawk> K.

Gauri just forgot to deactivate her Caps-Lock. She wrote UPPERCASE 3.2% of the time.
Whyrl is a very aggressive person. He attacked others 4 times.
For example, like this:
     * WhyrlNap wingbaps Warp.

Aubri can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 3 times.
Poor Warphammer, nobody likes him. He was attacked 3 times.
For example, like this:
     * Bluejay swats Warphammer with a wing to stop the nibbling

Expandranon seems to be unliked too. He got beaten 2 times.
Pshaw brings happiness to the world. 36.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Riq`ris isn't a sad person either, smiling 35.8% of the time.
NovaPhoenix seems to be sad at the moment: 1.6% lines contained sad faces. :(
Timwi is also a sad person, crying 1.4% of the time.
Lanakila wrote the longest lines, averaging 67.1 letters per line.
#Feathers (monthly) average was 40.8 letters per line.
Thrash wrote the shortest lines, averaging 23.2 characters per line.
Harpy was tight-lipped, too, averaging 25.0 characters.
Buran spoke a total of 41018 words!
Buran's faithful follower, Whyrl, didn't speak so much: 18617 words.
pgp_prote wrote an average of 14.35 words per line.
Channel average was 7.48 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Kibbe
(33 names)
Kibbegoingtobedagain, Kibbeout, Kibb3, Kibbeatsecondjob, kibbeatsecondjobagain, Kibbecheckingouttheflicks, kibbenapingagain, Sleepingkibbe, Kibbesleepingsomemore, Kibbegonetoplaywiththebirdys, KibbegonetoDMV, Kibbegonetoparrotstoretotalkab, drunkraventryingtosleep\, Naping-Raven, Kibbegoingtobed, driunkandtryingtosleepraven, Kibbeinbed, passedoutKibbe, Kibbegonetosecondjob, kibbenothere, sleepingcorvid, Kibbepoassedout, Kibbeouttoseeaflick, Drunkraventryingtosleep, Kibbe, Kibbe-gone-again, Kibbetoastedoffhisass, kibbedrunkandtryingtosleep, Kibbe-gonetoworksecondjob, Kibbetryingtosleep, Kibbeoutcold, kibbesleeping, Kibbeatwork
2 Red-Tailed_Hawk
(30 names)
RTH_Phasing, Lunch_Hawk, RTH_Photoshop, Red-Tailed_Hawk_Pop-Tarts, Red-Tired_Hawk, Beta-Hawk, RTH_Happy, RTHatschool, RTH__BRB, RTH_Video-Games, Angry_Hawk, RTH_Nap, Red-beta-testing_Hawk, RTH, RTHomework, Invisible_Hawk, Ashamed_Hawk, Semi-Invisible_Hawk, Happy_Hawk, RTH_Making_Logo, Playful_Hawk, RTH_School, Messy_Hawk, RTH_Fun, RTH_Games, Red-Tailed_Hawk, RTH_Hunting, Red-Tailed_Homework, Shattered_Hawk, Phasing_Hawk
3 Whyrl
(26 names)
WhyrlHuntingSomething, WhyrlAFK, Whyrl24, WhyrlLunch, WhyrlWatchingER, WhyrlNap, WhyrlScouting, WhyrlIll, Whrrl, WhyrlRoosting, WhyrlIllHunting, WhyrlGryphAway, WhyrlSnackAttack, WhyrlQuestForBreakingOfFast, WhyrlSplashPreen, WhyrlShower, Whr, WhyrlSplashy, WhyrlFlying, WhyrlHunting, WhyrlPhone, WhyrlHatchdayDinner, WhyrlSplash`N`Preen, GoodWhyrlHunting, Whyrl, EvlWedgy
4 Saoirse
(23 names)
SaoAFK, SaoBathWhee, SaoLaundry, SaoBath, SaoElsewhere, SaoDoodling, SaoHunting, SaoReading, SaoInClass, SaoSplashing, SaoBathSplashSplash, SaoAway, SaoBlargh, SaoShower, SaoPhone, SaoBRB, Saoirse, SaoIdleOnPhone, SaoFood, SaoNapping, SaoGone, Skandranon, SaoIdle
5 Skandranon
(21 names)
LordSkan, SkanLaptop, SkanDennys, SkanLunch, SkanWoozy, SkanIdleFoodstuff, SkanSoldering, SkanAuroraWatching, ChibiSkan, Skandrnon, SkanErrands, SkanRoosting, SkanAway, SkanDinner, SkanNapping, SkanFood, Saoirse, SkanIdle, Skandranon, SkandranonII, SkanWorking

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 snugs 470 Buran
2 preens 133 Skandranon
3 fluffs 98 Buran
4 birds 88 Lanakila
5 wingwaves 81 Whyrl
6 gnaws 70 Saoirse
7 wings 69 Lanakila
8 myself 68 Stormdancer
9 iggle 66 Lanakila
10 flops 64 Tadrith

Most referenced nick
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Buran 607 Skandranon
2 Whyrl 465 Skandranon
3 Expandranon 401 Kibbe
4 Gauri 281 Warphammer
5 Aubri 253 Buran
6 Tadrith 247 Saoirse
7 Kibbe 175 Bushrat
8 Hawthorn 149 Timwi
9 Lanakila 145 Archai
10 Archai 143 Lanakila

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.missajc.com/cagewarning.html 2 Kibbe
2 http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/zkac037/founders.jpg 1 Hawthorn
3 http://www.wiley.com/legacy/college/phy/halliday320005/pdf/l 1 Skandranon
4 http://www.livejournal.com/users/whyrl/97572.html 1 Whyrl
5 http://www.avians.net/irc/stats/recent.html 1 Takena

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Gauri donated 2 ops in the channel...
Whyrl was also very polite: 2 ops from him.
Wow, no op was taken on #Feathers (monthly)!
Whyrl always lets us know what he's doing: 1337 actions!
For example, like this:
     * Whyrl feels miles better after a bath.

Also, Skandranon tells us what's up with 949 actions.
Buran talks to herself a lot. She wrote over 5 lines in a row 9 times!
Another lonely one was Stormrider, who managed to hit 7 times.
Eldarath has quite a potty mouth. 0.5% words were foul language.
``Niokala`` also makes sailors blush, 0.3% of the time.

Latest Topics
Web stats are finally back up -- http://www.avians.net/stats -- We're also on the new server! Yay!! by Skandranon on 06:50
Look for possible auroras in the night sky! http://www.spaceweather.com/ by Skandranon on 13:39
by Buran on 10:14
Every flap you make, I'll be watching you: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_-
by Buran on 17:02
Somewhere in Texas, a town is missing an idiot. by Buran on 16:57
A very sad day for an Osprey. http://espn.go.com/minorlbb/ne-
by Redtailed on 12:51
Bird hat! http://www.sltrib.com/2003/May-
by Redtailed on 10:54
TROGDOOOOR! And febreeze-armed T-rex-riding ninjas! http://www.nuklearpower.com/co-
by Aubri on 20:55
http://www.thekwoon.com/ by Skandranon on 01:53
The topic was set 12 times.
Total number of lines: 32949.

Stats generated by pisg v0.48-cvs
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 26 seconds