Actually, we're glad to help :) This is where we begin...
This is planned as an offering to those who would like some handy
reference notes for learning and making progress with all the
wonderful things that the world of chat via mucks can offer.
Most of these notes were taken and reworked from the actual learning
process as your feathery founders experienced it, to keep it
clear and explain it to ourselves, since we couldn't find a big
collection of easy-to-read files in just one place either. :)
Now, we may still not have every file that you might be looking
for, but hopefully we'll have help on just about all the basic
ones, and those files represented here are the ones that we needed
for our own reference over the years, ...so hopefully that'll
cover just about everything that most muck-chat folks need..
We'll get started now, and after a few feathers,
we'll add links to additional file pages, so we can keep the
size of these help pages reasonable. :) Mucks (multi-user chat
kingdoms) differ from each other slightly in the way things work,
depending on which programs they have installed as features,
like look-notify and mail, etc., but we'll try
to cover a lot of bases and basics. Feel free to offer any suggestions
to the wiz staff at the muck too!
Now, let's take a look at some help files for step-by-step muck
Often, a program called EDITROOM is installed at a muck (it is
at ours), and can automate the process of building. This can
be accessed by typing editroom and then hitting the ENTER or
RETURN key. Otherwise you can also build using the actual commands,
to be explained here...
By the way, when you see () parenthesis here, do not include
them in issuing the command. They will be provided for clarity
only, so if we say @set me=species:(WHAT YOUR SPECIES IS) that
means you enter where we indicated Cat if your species is cat,
or Dog if your species is dog, etc.
The commands needed for efficiently building a room are:
@dig (NAME OF YOUR ROOM TO BE) (ENTER KEY) This will name
a room. Take note of the number assigned to it. If you are not
automatically placed in this new room, then type @tel me=#(THE
@desc here=(THE WAY YOUR ROOM LOOKS) (ENTER KEY) You can
add several lines describing this new room. It is a good idea
to know what exits it will have, which link you to other rooms,
and so be sure to place indications of these exits in the text
of the description. If your muck has an exit lister, you can
choose whether to have them listed or not by typing @succ here=@$exits
OR @succ here=@$obvexits depending on the program the muck uses.
@open out;o;[O];exit;leave;east This makes an exit from
the room you are in. The semicolons separate different key sequences
that will work for those using the exit. The square brackets
do need to be typed in the description here, to indicate
to the traveler that typing a simple O will work.
KEY) This arrival location needs to be @set L for this
moment at least, of which you ensure by typing @set #(DESTINATION
NUMBER)=L. You need to own the destination to reset it, or make
arrangements with it's owner to link there. You should now use
the exit to test it, and also see that the destination has a
return link to the room # if desired. To get there, use the exit
you made by typing one of the key sequences you established a
moment ago, then return to the original room for this next step,
setting the room or environment's creative description.
If you want to lock the exit so that only some can use it, do
the following.. @lock out=(SERIES OF ALLOWED PEOPLE THRU THIS
EXIT) The format for this is usually @lock (EXIT NAME)=#(FIRST
NUMBER)|#(SECOND NUMBER)|#(ETC) Be sure to use the vertical
"|" character between numbers. This is usually above
the ENTER key on your keyboard. Note that locking is not appropriate
for public places, and should be used sparingly. Note also that
instead of character #s, you can often use their name preceded
by an asterisk in this way, *(CHARACTER) .
Now for good building, one must include operational messages
for using the door. Examples:
@succ out=You go out. This is a simple example only, but
this is where you put the SUCCESS readout for the action. This
is what you see, and depending on the muck, what others also
see when you would use this exit.
@osucc out=goes out. This is the OTHERSUCCESS, which is
what others will see when this exit is used. Note the
grammar... you speak as third person in the text of the osucc
description here, and the muck machinery should put the name
of the character in the response to the use of the exit.
@odrop out=arrives from the other room. This is what people
in the room the character ARRIVES in will see when going to the
place this exit leads.
@ofail out=cannot use that exit. This is the message that
others will see if the character is not allowed to use the exit.
You can also set the @fail and @drop messages for this exit,
the @fail being what you would see only, and the @drop being
also what you would see when arriving in the new room, but these
messages are redundant, and it is still considered good building
if you simply use the first 4 of the succ,osucc,odrop,ofail,fail,drop
settings. Note that if you do add the two final settings, you
may need to use a sequence like @drop out={pronouns:%n} steps
in from the other room so fancier code is needed, which we aren't
exploring just yet.
In some places after you have completed your work, you can type
@check (ENTER KEY) and the muck machinery will tell you if there
are errors, but the best way to discover them is to try the exits
and look at the descs yourself :) Some other programs
may be available to add more features to your room, like scents
or entry counters etc., so check with your local muck for these...
congratulations on building!
This is a little quicker to achieve success with than building,
but still a bit tricky because of the variations between mucks,
many of which can have just *slightly* different props, so that
one wrong character missing from your sentence and it doesn't
work right (remember DOS?). :) The most common formats are
included here.
@desc me={look-notify:{eval:{list:redesc}}}
@desc me={eval:{list:redesc}}{nl}{ln}
@desc me={look-notify:{list:redesc}}
@desc me={list:redesc}{null:{tell:>> {name:me} just looked
at you!,*(YOUR NAME)}} Note that you can also use your number
database reference instead of your name by using the # symbol
instead of the * . Your database number is revealed
by typing ex me (ENTER). The fourth format is the most reliable,
however before using ANY of them, try describing yourself
in the simple desc me=(WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE) without any fancy
stuff... then use a guest character to test and see if the Look-Notify
is an automatic default at the muck! Do not use the above code
settings if it is.
These 4 code sequences above assume you are using a description
called REDESC from a list. You can make a list with a longer-than-normal
desc of yourself by typing the following four step sequence (if
lsedit is installed at your muck)...
a) lsedit me=redesc (This places you into an editor to write
a desc. It's best to have one ready and paste it in.)
b) Use your keyboard to type or paste in a desc. You can hit
the (ENTER) key as often as you like, but keep in mind a good
desc should fit on one screen usually.
c) .end Typing this will stop the editor, and you will
have a description in a list called REDESC. To edit this in the
future, type lsedit me=redesc OR the name of the list
description you want to edit.
Your look-notify status should appear in the readout about
your character, shown when you type
d) ex me (as above).
More files at THIS link!