Telnet Clients for Muck Chat Enhancement

Hi :> Heard about ICQ? Well, it can be pretty nice, but there also is another way to chat, in which you get to be more than just a name. You can describe yourself and be a complete avian, or cartoon bird, or gryphon, or.. well, the sky's the limit! Many different programs also at the feathery muck site add to the entire experience of *being* a bird online :>

Click on this link if your computer has telnet
TELNET:// and you will be taken to a magical world of Multi-User-Chat!... .....if you do not have telnet set up (and even if you do), you may prefer an easier application to chat with (no Java headaches or crashes) - So you can download MUDDWELLER if you have Macintosh, or GMUD if you use Windows. (this will need to be unzipped with WinZip from this link if you don't have the unzip utility.
Another great mucktelnet application for BOTH Macintosh and Windows with ANSI color is Rapscallion (shareware) at THIS site.
Or even try THIS BeipMU Client , partially assembled by our very own WizWoofer, Sennard!
Another great Windows client is MuckClient by Woof-It
You can go to THIS LINK for assistance with aquiring the unix/linux client TinyFugue.

There are many different chat dimensions you can visit, but if you'd like to come by FeatherMUCK, be sure to configure your downloaded application with server and port 8888. :> We look forward to seeing you!

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